Logic Quest

on the quest for logic in ...

Friday, December 31, 2004

Mozilla Thunderbird

tried out Thunderbird today again.

Still do not like it better than Outlook Express.

I use Outlook Express with Popfile for mail classification.
Popfile classifies my incoming mail and prefixes the mails with the classification.
When I receive mail, OE files them into folders according to the prefix.

So [spam] mail is automatically deleted as per my message rules.

When I tried Thunderbird for a short while, I did not like it because:

1. I could define the Message filter but it did not run on receiving mail ? I expected it to but a spam sat in my Inbox.
2. the date sort on mail is buggy. I tried to sort so that my most recent mail is on top but instead got a mail that I receive in 2001 on top. Next was my 2004 mail. At the bottom was some mail in 2002. I remember having the same problem when I used Netscape mail too.

I tried to get some help by clicking on Help - not very helpful.

After the above, I did not want to use it any longer and uninstalled it.
Uninstall was clean.


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Browser printing problem

For certain web pages, Internet Explorer truncates the right edge.
Firefox prints them well.

Try printing this page with Internet Explorer and Firefox.


Monday, December 20, 2004

Email productivity tips

Tyranny of Email is a good article about using email productively.

Amongst the takeaway tips, I like this the most:

1. Switch off your email client
  Check mail only at designated times and for the rest of the time, switch it off. Email is a very big distraction and productivity minus if not managed.


Friday, December 17, 2004

Desktop Search

I have long been interested in Desktop Search products.
It's great for finding stuff on my PC without doing the Explorer find which can take a very long time.

These are the Desktop Search products I have tried and my take on them:

1. Copernic Desktop
  My favourite desktop search because it can index any type of text file. I have text files with .java, .sql, .jnl extensions and I can set up Copernic to index these files too
2. msn toolbar suite
  indexes only common files like microsoft excel, word, text files.
3. Google Desktop
  familiar interface but indexes only common files but not pdf
4. blinkx
  not stable, occasionally crashes on windows xp


Friday, December 03, 2004

How To Be Creative manifesto at ChangeThis

Always interested to learn more about how to be more creative, I read this from ChangeThisChangeThis.

It does not live up to the promise of teaching anyone to be more creative in art, business or whatever.

The author shares a lot of his experience of becoming a professional cartoonist but his advice is more relevant to someone who wants to be a cartoonist.

And his use of expletives does not add to this article.
